♥ Anyeonghaseo chingudeul :D
Choneun Annisa imnida ^^
U all can call me Icha :DD
*Jangan ketawa liat foto gw! =='* Lol
Born in Pekanbaru *i wish born in korea Lol* 4 April 1997.
My Korean Name is Han RinRin, dan Park Nichan. I'm is Kpoper of course! ♥.♥
Now i live in Pekanbaru :) who Kpop Pekanbaru here ??-wink-
Now i live in Pekanbaru :) who Kpop Pekanbaru here ??-wink-
Cinta sama semua yang berbau sama korea, TAPI kurang suka sama drama korea -_-
My hobi is read FF, i have many ff but so shy to post my ff here =="
My hobi is read FF, i have many ff but so shy to post my ff here =="
Hafal setiap member semua BB & GB dan solo singer Korea *proud, ahahah* 

Fandom utama aku Triple S, Y.E.S, ELF dan Inspirit, tapi cinta sama semua Solo singer, BB & GB korea :D
Aku BENCI sama Kpoper yang masih labil (alias alay dan sok2 cuy)! 
Ulzzang Korea is the best good looking!! XDDD

Ulzzang Korea is the best good looking!! XDDD
Selain suka sama lagu korea, aku juga suka sama lagu jepang, taiwan sama china ;)
Ganteng dan imutkan biasku?? of course ♥ 

Aku Anti semua GB & BB Indonesia, big Antis SMASHit, Cherribelle, dan 7Icon!
tunggu dulu, bukan berarti aku tidak cinta indonesia ya. `GW Cinta Indonesia, tapi Tidak Untuk BB dan GBnya`! arraseo ?? 

Hopefully you all comfortable and happy to visit at my blog, 
sorry if my blog is not too good because it try to create a new personal blog
ok, first introduction to it here^^

sorry if my blog is not too good because it try to create a new personal blog

ok, first introduction to it here^^
Enjoy in my blog ;)
♥ Anyeonghaseo :DD
Thanks For Visit My Blog 8D
Thanks For Visit My Blog 8D